Our association
Etelä-Karjalan perhetyön kehittämisyhdistys ry is association which goal is to improve children and families’ social status and welfare in society. Our association was founded in 1995 and we are a part of The Federation of Mother and child homes and shelters. We help children and families in difficult and insecure situations and prevent domestic violence. We are based in Lappeenranta, but all of our work reaches whole of South-Karelia.
You can contact us directly without any covering notes and all of our services are free of charge.
We provide translators help in our services if needed.
Divorce in family
We offer services to parents with children who are undergoing a divorce. The main goal is to support parents and emphasise the fact that a parent continues being parent after the divorce. The child has the right to remain a child in difficult situations. Our work supports parenthood in these situations, where the parents have to create a new kind of relationship with one another. We also offer help to support blended families to adapt to a new everyday life.
Tel. 040 594 0080
Email erotyo@ek-perhetyo.fi
Work against domestic violence
Domestic violence and violence in a close relationship refer to situations in which someone is abusing a current or a former partner, their child or someone else close to them e.g. relatives. Our services offer help to those who experience violence in their close relationships or are the perpetrators of violent behaviour. You can make an appointment for a meeting with the services to get information about violence, counselling and help to stop the violence. The safety of the victims and children is the most important aspect concerning the efforts to reduce domestic violence. You can also contact us anonymously.
Mira Liukka, Tel. 040 765 4953
Email mira.liukka@ek-perhetyo.fi
Supportgroup for families with a baby – Pirpana
Our supportgroup Pirpana is targeted to pregnant mothers and mothers with under two-year-old children, who need reassurance in their motherhood. The group is closed, and new group starts in February and September. Mothers who feel lonely, lack in close connections or have challenges with interaction with their children can apply to the group. Mothers also get to share their experiences with peers. In the group there is two counsellors guiding mothers.
Leena Marttinen, Tel. 040 776 7548
Titta Hämäläinen, Tel. 040 776 7549
Email paivaryhma@ek-perhetyo.fi
Väiskäri -project
Väiskäri -project aims to provide knowledge to 16 – 25-year-old students in order to prevent domestic violence. Väiskäri works in schools and in university. The goal is to bring forth all forms of domestic violence, so that the young can recognize them and seek help.
Anna Virtanen, Tel. 044 722 3006
Email anna.virtanen@ek-perhetyo.fi
For more information: The Federation of Mother and child homes and shelters provides more material in English. Click on the link below!
The Federation of Mother and child homes and shelters
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Instagram @ek_perhetyo @ek_vaiskari
Facebook @Etelä-Karjalan perhetyön kehittämisyhdistys ry